
Nadine Williams South Wales Transgender Woman Cleared of Rape Charge

Nadine Williams, a transgender woman has been cleared of rape and two counts of sexual assault which she was accused of committing  before transitioning while presenting as Dean, a male.

Ms. Williams who spend 6 months remanded to pretrial confinement with men while waiting for the trial simply said she was relieved the "torment" was finally over.

The unfortunate articles I've seen to date have misidentified Nadine as a 'transgender man,'  further adding confusion by misgendering with male pronouns.

But as a testament to her character Nadine told The South Wales that while waiting trial she "worked to try to make the prison trans-friendly" and decided to make her tribulations public knowledge to help people understand the transgender community.

The  Swansea Crown Court archives don't give details only stating that the case was closed.

She now wants to move on with her life and continue her journey.

"I can now rebuild my family life," said Miss Williams.

"I am cleared and I have been vindicated," she said.

But she said the road for her could still be hard.

"There could be lasting effects to me, my family, my close friends and the whole transgender community. I just hope people will understand and let me get on with my life."

Read more at This South Wales

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