
New York Post Old Style KKK or New Style Freedom of Speech?

The New York Post published a cartoon of a policeman holding a smoking gun and a dead monkey on the pavement. You know the one. I will not publish it, to do so, in my opinion would only perpetuate the commercialization and objectification of black people by cheap sensationalism. It's time to call a racist a racist. There has to be an accounting.

That said I hope you will join the Young Turks on Alternet in a intelligent conversation and form your own opinion.

My opinion is the New York Post drawing is racist trash. And I think we are capable and responsible to of raise our morality above this.

I have joined the color of change and signed the petition demanding that we hold the New York Post accountable.

By kelli Busey
February 25, 2009


First Texas Transgender Caucus and Lobby Day

First Transgender Caucus and Lobby Days!

Why is THIS Lobby Day SO important for the Texas Transgender community?

HB 538 prohibits employers, employment agencies and labor unions from using an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity as the basis for employment decisions, such as hiring, firing, promotion or compensation, or from subjecting an individual to different standards or treatment based on that individual's sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.

This Bill has been submitted to committee. It's passage is especially critical since during the present economic downturn transgender people will suffer first and longest. The Texas Legislature only meets Bi Annually and we have momentum for Equality.

Sunday, March 1st
5:30 - 7:30 pm Opening Welcome Reception (Doubletree Hotel Austin -University)

7:30 - 9:00 pm Transgender Caucus (Wildflower Room, Doubletree Hotel)

Monday, March 2nd Lobby Day

8:00 – 9:00 am Breakfast & Check-In (First United Methodist Church, 1201 Lavaca St.)
9:00 am Press conference on the South Steps
9:30 am Photo Opportunity on the South Steps
10:00 – 11:00 am Lobby Training (Capitol Extension Auditorium, Room E1.004)
11:00 – 12:00 pm Team Lobby Visits
12:00 – 1:00 pm Lunch provided by Equality Texas at First United Methodist Church
1:00 – 2:00 pm Team lobby visits and Constituent visits with your Legislators
2:00 – 3:00 pm Debrief and write thank you letters (Capitol Extension Auditorium, Room E1.004)

Register with Equality Texas to attend Lobby Day

Click Here for general Info at Equality Texas

Click Here for Detailed FAQ's about the Transgender Caucus and Lobby Days


Buffalo bands together defeats Westboro Baptist

On a street corner in Buffalo New York in the raw February wind gathered everyman and woman. Some wore angel wings, some with American Flags and homemade signs held high.

All were banded together in solidarity to shield a Church from the Westboro Baptist Church hate mongers who thought a memorial for human rights advocate Alison Des Forges was taking place. Des Forges died in the crash of Flight 3407 from Newark to Buffalo on February 12, 2009.

The three Westboro members left after a few moments.
"Hatred in the name of Jesus is a despicable thing," said Zion Lutheran Pastor Randy Milleville.

By Kelli Busey
February 23, 2009

Sean Penn Wins for "Milk" Acceptance Speech

Sean Penn Wins for "Milk" Acceptance Speech

TransGriot: Gay Media, RuPaul Isn't A Transgender 'Expert', So Stop Trying To Pass Him Off As One

TransGriot: Gay Media, RuPaul Isn't A Transgender 'Expert', So Stop Trying To Pass Him Off As One Monica Roberts wrote on her Blog Transgriot "One of the things that's an irritant to many African descended transpeople is not only the lack of media attention we get vis a vis our white brothers and sisters, but the frequent use of people who aren't African-American transpeople as representatives to speak for us."
Visit with Monica and get a inside perspective of what it is to be a Transgender Woman of African Descent.

Rea Carey's State of the Movement address

DENVER, Jan. 30 — National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Executive Director Rea Carey presented the annual State of the Movement address today at 21st National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change, where 2,000 activists have gathered to strategize on how to advance LGBT equality in this new political climate.

Click Here for the NGLTF site, press release and full text of her speech

Rea Carey's State of the Movement address (full speech, part 1 of 3)

Rea Carey's State of the Movement address (full speech, part 2 of 3)

Rea Carey's State of the Movement address (full speech, part 3 of 3)

Click Here for the NGLTF site, press release and full text of her speech