Showing posts with label DVTV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DVTV. Show all posts


DVTV Video of DART Meeting: Equality Texas Weighs In

Israel Luna of DVTV attends the DART board meeting in which the GLBT community voiced it's concerns over the regional transportation providers reaction to a transgender woman's need to transition.

Texas Heavy Weight Equality Texas Weighs in on DART Advocacy

Equality Texas Joins with Resource Center Dallas and Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies in Calling for DART to Amend its Nondiscrimination Policy to Include Gender Identity/Expression
Discrimination, harassment, and violence against people with nonconforming gender identities/expressions must be prohibited.

Classrooms, communities, and workplaces should be safe for every person, regardless of whether or not the person fits expectations for masculinity or femininity. From workplaces to homes, to just walking on the streets, people who do not conform to stereotypical gender identities/expressions face widespread discrimination, harassment, and even violence.

While DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) has long been recognized for having a diverse workforce, its internal Diversity and Equal Employment Opportunity (DEEO) policy does not currently include gender identity/expression in its nondiscrimination language.

Adding gender identity/expression to DART's nondiscrimination language would remedy this inequity.

Equality Texas Foundation's Workplace Project, a public education program on the economic and social benefits of comprehensive workplace non-discrimination policy, joins with Resource Center Dallas (RCD) and Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies in asking DART to amend its DEEO Nondiscrimination Policy to add the words gender identity/expression so that it has a fully inclusive diversity strategy.

RCD is to be commended for their exemplary efforts, which will result in discussions with DART human resources and diversity staff on this issue. You will be called upon in the next ten days to two weeks to assist in this effort with a coordinated and targeted advocacy campaign. Please join in this effort.

Equality Texas news letter March 11, 2010

Go here to read John Wright’s latest story on the situation.

Many thanks to Israel Luna for doing such a great job.