
Open Letter to WBAP Arlington Texas: Drop Rush Limbaugh

Although in truthfulness, I am not a fan of talk radio, I have always been less a fan of Rush Limbaugh. And now he has crossed the line of human decency using his media platform of which your radio station is a part of to slander a young woman.

Limbaugh brags he has a network of 600 Radio Stations. to amplify his word.

As I am sure you are aware of, Limbaugh used your radio station to call Sandra Fluke a "slut" and "prostitute" for testifying in front of congress in favor of publicly funded contraceptives.

Limbaugh stated on the air if she wanted to get publicly funded contraceptives he wanted something for his money, he wanted to watch her having sex. That's sick.

And he said that on your radio station.

Rush Limbaugh's words have have enraged people of all political and religious beliefs.

As of this posting Limbaugh has lost six sponsors, been rebuked by the Catholic University Ms. Fluke attends and even the president of the United States who has consoled Ms. Fluke in response to Limbaugh's attack.

As a resident of Arlington and a fellow Texan I as you to please discontinue broadcasting this mans hateful rhetoric.

Thank you,

Kelli Ann Busey
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies (DTAA)


INFORMED CONSENT: The True Path For Transgender Treatment

Informed Consent, what a concept!

The AMA begins its definition of informed consent as:
Informed consent is more than simply getting a patient to sign a written consent form.
It is a process of communication between a patient and physician that results in the patent's authorization or agreement to undergo a specific medical intervention.
This Campus Progress article suggests instead of the clinical gate-keeping method of admitting a person is a transsexual, which the APA now uses, we simply use informed consent to begin the process of transition.

Informed consent verse pathologization.

PATHOLOGIZE: to view or characterize as medically or psychologically abnormal.

One interview to obtain informed consent to begin transition as opposed to the unbearably long and quite often frustratingly unyielding process of vetting unknowledgeable therapists who never had a clue about transsexualism or any inclination to recommend hormone replacement in the first place. Gone would be the fallacy being forced to live a 'real life test' separates the pretenders. At that early state of transition we are at our most vulnerable. That concept is one which is long over due to be trashed!

The truth is, most transsexuals have successfully transitioned in spite of the DSM, not because of it!

That is why transgender people and those who truly care for our mental and physical well being are no longer using the DSM Regardless of Proposed Revisions as the standard of care. We have by default been using informed consent for years without naming the process!

Now we have a name and you can join with 5000 on facebook and sign our petition to the DSM to remove transgender from the DSM.

Become informed on the ICATH home page and on Facebook.


Federal Government Announces New Grants Available For Transgender Research

A watershed moment for transgender medical research is upon us. It is imparitive the research is conducted by people with our best interests in mind and people other than those who believe reparative therapy is the end all answer to transsexualism.

The Federal government has realized the medical system has failed the LGBT population in general, and for this post transgender people in particular.

From the Grant information Part 1. Overview Information

Recent data from national health surveys and targeted studies suggest that prevalence rates for some health conditions are higher among LGBTI populations than for the general population. There is evidence that LGBTI individuals delay health care treatment because they fear stigmatization or because their experiences have led them to believe that many health care providers lack knowledge and experience working with LGBTI individuals. There is also evidence that LGBTI individuals receive health care services that are not as appropriate and effective as those provided to non-LGBTI individuals. This FOA calls for research that will enrich scientific understanding of how sexual orientation and gender identity influence health, perceptions and expectations about health, health behaviors, and barriers and access to health-related services. This FOA also calls for research on how the household and family structures and processes of LGBTI individuals influence the health, development, and well-being of children born and/or raised in these households and families. This knowledge will also guide new directions for studies of the health of both LGBTI and non-LGBTI populations.

Biological and Clinical Factors

Research with transgender people, including transsexual people who intend to seek, have sought, or have received hormonal or surgical interventions and the health effects of such interventions.

Studies of the acoustic factors that contribute to perception of femininity and masculinity and of other non-voice factors (such as articulation, prosody and body language) that interact to create the perception of femininity or masculinity and the effects on the health of individuals.

Studies of the health and developmental effects of early gender assignment in cases of infants born with ambiguous genitalia.

Developmental and longitudinal studies on the health of gender-related and other biological and behavioral characteristics of intersex people, including follow-up studies of persons who have received hormonal or surgical interventions.

Studies of the development and evaluation of approaches to psychosocial assessment and counseling for intersex people and their families.

Studies of competency and training needs among clinicians, employers, and other service providers who work with LGBTI people.

Research to develop and evaluate training and knowledge dissemination programs for clinicians and health service providers on LGBTI-related topics.


This is just a small snapshot of this exciting opportunity for our health care allies. We can shape the future now!

For more information please read the oii Australia article "Intersex and LGBTI are now starting to appear in federal US health websites and grants programs"


Gender Rights Maryland: You are welcome here if you agree with us

I was flabbergasted with Gender Rights Maryland board member Dana Beyer's response to my query as to why I had not been allowed to join GRM Facebook group.

And if you are like us. If you look like us. If you do not have a different view point. If you simply STFU and applaud whatever we do regardless of how devastating it will be for you. Then you may join, otherwise we give you permission to speak else where.

Because you are not a ally if your opinion is even slightly different.

The leadership bringing you the latest Jim Crow laws have a few things in common with their predecessors. They are rich so even though there is no racial delineation there social status all but eliminates the influences these Jim Crow Laws will have on there lives. And boy, they flaunt it like a 1%'er would.

And who could forget when Gender Rights Maryland board member Mark McLaurin called me a " Circus Freak" for taking credit for our success defeating HB235, the 2010 bill without public accommodations Equality Maryland failed to shove down our throats?

“Ohhhhh so it wasn’t spineless lawmakers who killed the bill but rather your uncannily strategic merry band of out of state circus freaks who, heretofore havent been able to organize anything more complex than a Sunday brunch at the local Denny’s ????? Now THAT is funny !!!!! Looooooooool !!!!!”
But now it appears that gender rights Maryland AKA Equality Maryland is going about it piecemeal until Jim Crow becomes a social conscript, again.

And dissent on the GRM facebook page by members leads to one response.

If you are transgender, you may work in Baltimore Maryland, but expect no respect.


Trans Power Trumps Paddy Power: Transphobic Ad Pulled

The ad which was supposedly approved by the UK transgender group Beaumont Society has been pulled by the major television broadcasters after Clear Cast reversed itself and declared it's disapproval of the ad.

This is a huge victory for transgender people because it shows that we have become accepted and respected by society in general. The power of people. This makes us off limits to immoral entities like Paddy Power.

"Bang bang, dead."

But according to the Paddy Power blog they're not done yet. To fill the vacuum left by the Transgender Victors they have identified a portion of society even less protected. Evidently "Chavs" are a social outcast in British culture and Paddy Power means to capitalize on that fact using brutality and murder.

Is violence and the sexual degradation of woman all that Paddy Power understands? Have they no dignity or self respect?


Baltimore County Transsexuals Suffer Jim Crow "Victory"

Jim Crow laws are state and local laws in the United States currently being enacted. They mandat de jure transgender segregation in all public facilities with a supposedly "separate but equal" status for Transgender Americans.

The omission of Public accommodations effectively codifies transgender people as second class citizens and potential sexual predators unworthy of occupying rest rooms with cisgender woman and children.

Click for the PDF of the bill as originally submitted by Tom Quirk.

Click for the PDF of Bill No. 3-12 as adopted by the Baltimore council.

Clearly there was never any intention of extending meaningful rights to transgender people.

The reality is this bill is meant to discriminate against transgender people and in the truest sense, a Jim Crow law.

Least we forget! Maryland has a long and storied history of legislating and up holding judicially Jim Crow Laws!

Tim Walstrum is absolutely correct when he posted that this law was nothing more that a out for politicians. I will argue they did this with full knowledge history will repeat itself in court as transgender people become even more marginalised!

For the sake of passing this bill transgender people can be denied to use facilities that are distinctly private or personal. This will give anyone the option to deny transgender people access to what ever facilities they designate as personal or private. Like bathrooms for Christ sake!

But to smarmy democrats its a 'victory'. Passing this Jim Crow law is immensely easier than enacting real human rights laws, and doing so is usually not a career ender.

To the gay community, this is also a 'victory' the passage being repeatedly heralded as a victory. The real victory for gay people is they finally throw the transgender monkey off there backs.

To the transgender victims of Baltimore county this is a day that will go down in infamy, unless we are joined by gay people who would demand "gay toilets" in protest.

Transgender people may now feel unfettered to work in Baltimore county unless the bathroom issue stops them from securing employment.

God. THAT IS THE ISSUE!!!!! Unbelievable, anything to get rid of us, right gays?

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