Talking out of the side of your face.
If The "Human Rights Campaign" was concerned with LGBT rights why do they support the GOP with $10,000 for the Republican convention and snub the Stonewall Democrats
This is the Human Rights Campaign Statement on Log Cabin Republican Endorsement of McCain/Palin.
WASHINGTON - The following is a statement from Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese on the Log Cabin Republican endorsement of John McCain and Sarah Palin:
"John McCain claims to be a maverick who breaks with his party, but on matters of LGBT equality, he's shown that he's anything but. He actively campaigned for a constitutional amendment that would have banned marriage and domestic partnerships for same-sex couples in his home state of Arizona. He went so far as to appear in television commercials for that campaign, is now supporting an amendment to strip marriage equality from California couples and has said that he would vote for a federal marriage amendment if laws already banning marriage equality were to be struck down by federal courts. Sarah Palin has also supported bans on marriage and even domestic partner benefits in Alaska. The Republican Party, McCain and Palin's party, has declared in its platform that they want to pass the federal marriage amendment. Their party's platform also calls gay and lesbian Americans unfit for military service, supports policies that would allow faith-based organizations to deny us jobs and services using federal dollars, and attacks judges who acknowledge our equality under the law. The Human Rights Campaign endorses mavericks on both sides of the aisle- neither John McCain nor Sarah Palin is among them," said HRC President Joe Solmonese.
Where did Solmonese address the Log Cabin Republicans endorsement of Palin/McCain?
If you are on the HRC email list you too have been inundated by HRC with statements professing support for the democrats and highlighting their opposition to McCain/Palin.
Talking out of the side of your face.
By Kelli Busey
Sept 5, 2008
This story has been proven to be TOTALLY FALSE and a LIE…
Clearing Up A Gay Group Scandal
HRC, LCR and NSD, Oh My!
Joe Solmonese made a big stink about the Log Cabin Republicans this morning when he blasted the gay group’s support for Republican presidential hopeful John McCain. Recent reports, however, claim that Joe and his Human Rights Campaign are much closer to the McCain-backing Cabinites than they let on.
A website called Boycott HRC last week reported that a “reliable source” told them HRC had donated $10,000 to the LCR, while giving none to the National Stonewall Democrats.
TransAdvocate, meanwhile, published an email purportedly sent from NSD co-chair Steve Driscoll to executive director Jon Hoadley, among others. In this email, Driscoll derides HRC for their “high-handedness” at the 2004 Democratic National Convention and gripes that the organization had been stonewalling discussions on a possible 2008 collaboration.
Driscoll also writes that Marty Rouse, HRC’s National Field Director, affirmed they had given money the LCR. He concludes with a searing string of curses for HRC:
…Might also add, that after beginning discussions with HRC in OCTOBER about collaborating on events for the Democratic National Convention (to avoid the the anger and resentment they engendered by their high-handedness in Boston four years ago) as well as requests for sponsorship of the NSD Denver convention, AND following up with phone calls every two months with no return calls, I finally heard from them TODAY that no sponsorship would be forthcoming.
When I pointed out to Marty Rouse last week that they sponsored the Logs Convention, his response was “Oh right, we did, didn’t we”. I then pointed out the obvious, that there were a lot more of us than there were of them - and I got no response when I asked what they got for their purportedly $10,000 to the Logs.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am absolutely furious about this. Not only is this inequitable, it’s fuckin dismissive and disrespectul [sic]. The task Force is at least giving us a stack of tickets to their Unity Dance. From HRC we’re getting bupkiss - and worse.
Worse than bupkiss?! Perish the thought!
Of this story, HRC media man Brad Luna had this to say, “That is not true.”
Log Cabin leader Pa†rick Sammon also says the information’s erroneous.
And, finally, NSD media maven John Marble remarked, “I looked into this. Apparently that was a private email which was based on information that is now incorrect. It looks like that HRC did not sponsor the LCR event.”
aye matey rubbish, pure rubbish
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